Friday, May 13, 2011

Commentary: Where do we put our Money?

In a post on the blog Kandis Initiating Forward Motion, the author addresses Illinois Governor Mitch Daniels' recent decision to sign legislation which would cut state Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood. The legislation agrees to re-fund Planned Parenthood after it ceases abortion services. In my colleague's blog, I see that she is careful to note that while Mitch Daniels originally ran on a platform of fiscal conservatism focused on the making cuts to tackle the climbing budget deficit, his current decisions can be traced back to pressures from a moral agenda established by powerful far-right conservatives. Further, the last paragraph of her editorial provides more salient points.I completely agree that cutting funding for abortion will not solve the basic problem of rampant unwanted pregnancy, especially among young, and often uninsured people. Planned Parenthood provides family planning services not limited to abortions, and also include education and STD testing, vital services for those who are struggling financially and at risk of an unwanted pregnancy.  As I have written about in past posts, I see our current legislators as being in a particular state of corruption and power grabbing, most often at the expense of us, the people who are now increasingly uninsured and without public services because of a clout battle in our state and national Congresses.
